
What is BrainDance?
Developed in 2000 by Anne Green Gilbert, the BrainDance is based on the fundamental movement patterns that babies move through in the first year of life. Current brain research has proven that physical exercise is great for our physical and mental well being. The BrainDance goes beyond these benefits by helping to integrate reflexes that are the foundation for healthy brain development.

What will you learn?
We will teach you the 6 movement patterns and how to incorporate them in interesting and creative ways. You will be able to integrate the BrainDance into your daily or weekly planning, no dance experience necessary! From 5 min energisers to 30min complete dance lessons.
We will explore ways of doing the BrainDance.
We will use props to add novelty and excitement to the program and provide you with new ideas for how to use equipment you may already have or may like to purchase.
We will provide lesson plans, further ideas and suggestions, links to music and a Parent Portal comment to share the 'why' about creative dance with families.

How much does it cost?
BrainDance Sessions during class time
Learn through observing and getting involved
Weekly sessions
30-40min sessions
$300 per session plus travel fees
9 week program recommended (can be flexible to suit budget)