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Story Dance

Through dance, children weave tales with their bodies, sharing stories that sparkle with imagination and radiate with joy.


What is Story Dance?

Story Dance with Bubs n Beats is a way to bring stories to life. 

For time immemorial we have have shared stories, orally and through dance. We tap into that innate desire to move and express with our bodies and we find that when we do this, comprehension is increased and the ability to recall and retell a story is greater. 

Story Dance is another tool to help bring story time to life and encourage those who prefer to move to love stories and books and see themselves as storytellers. 

How do we do this?

  • We use simple costume and props to enrol students as characters or objects

  • We retell stories we know as a group

  • We move our bodies as we read a book

  • We take perspectives of different characters or even objects in the story

  • We move like the different characters or objects

  • We dance entire stories with no books

  • We share stories from our life using words or movements only

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What will I learn?

We will teach you how to incorporate dance and creative movement into your Story Times, no dance experience necessary! From little movements during carpet time to complete story dance lessons.

We will explore story concepts such as characters, setting, conflict and resolution, perspectives, sequencing, personal stories, feelings and mood. 

We will use props to add novelty and excitement to the program and provide you with new ideas for how to use equipment you may already have or may like to purchase.

We will provide lesson plans, further ideas and suggestions, links to music and a Parent Portal comment to share the 'why' about story dance with families.


How much does it cost?

Story Dance Sessions during class time

Learn through observing and getting involved

Weekly sessions

  • 30-40min sessions

  • $300 per session plus travel fees

  • 9 week program recommended (can be flexible to suit budget)

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